How to retrain your sense of smell
Dr Peter Friedland recently featured on ABC Regional’s Evening Show with Sarah Macdonald (NSW and ACT). Dr Friedland was interviewed about the loss of smell in COVID and ways to treat it with smell retraining. Click here to listen.
Gap-free cochlear implant service for HBF policy holders
In a WA first, Dr Peter Friedland is offering adult HBF patients the opportunity to receive cochlear implants at Joondalup Private Hospital (JPH) with no out-of-pocket expenses. Read more here.
Professor Peter Friedland on MedTalk podcast
Professor Peter Friedland recently guest appeared on UWA medical students’ MedTalk podcast. In this episode, he discusses his approach to hearing loss, treatment and prevention. Listen here
ABC Health Report
This article first appeared on: Health Report by James Bullen Featuring Dr Peter Friedland Helen knew something was wrong as soon as she woke up. The world was suddenly mono instead of stereo: she couldn’t hear out of her right ear. She hadn’t had a cold or been unwell, so at first she brushed it…
When you think hearing loss, think brain loss
Whenever you think about hearing loss you should be thinking about brain loss too. That’s the latest advice from experts who say there is now strong evidence that hearing loss is linked to cognitive loss. Dr Peter Friedland explains in the Australian Financial Review. To read more, click here
Hearing loss cost still background noise
WA Business News profiles Peter Friedland’s initiatives at the Ear Science Institute Australia. “People are reluctant to have their ears tested; it’s a vanity and self-consciousness issue,” Professor Friedland said. “There are a lot more people with hearing loss that are unrecognised and untreated than we are aware of. “It’s a silent epidemic. It’s not…
A small favour with a biblical twist at lunch
The West Australian explores Professor Peter Friedland’s work to commemorate the late Nelson Mandela, who was his ear, nose and throat patient. Before Peter Friedland was due to relocate from South Africa to Perth, he sat down to lunch with his most famous patient – Nelson Mandela. Prof. Friedland was Mandela’s ear, nose and throat…
Prof Peter Friedland: The ENT Doctor and Madiba
Medical Forum features Professor Peter Friedland’s career journey, and his time with Nelson Mandela. It was Professor Peter Friedland’s connection to Nelson Mandela that drew him further into his earn, nose and throat interests. When Mandela was at news conferences, Friedland noticed that it seemed Mandela could not understand what people were saying. He could…
When “my ear feels blocked” is a medical emergency
By Dr Peter Friedland for MJA InSight+ ONE of the common patient complaints to their GP or emergency department (ED) doctor is a sensation that one of their ears is suddenly blocked or feels full. Unluckily for some of these patients, their symptoms will be brushed off and dismissed without even considering that a sudden…
Professor Peter Friedland honoured with award
Professor Peter Friedland receives the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital EF Haywood Prize for 2015. The EF Haywood Prize for the best clinical teacher at SCGH aims to promote better clinical teaching by doctors in clinical situations and to reinforce clinical teaching as a valued professional activity. The EF Haywood Prize for the best clinical teacher…